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Warranty: 2 Year Brand Warranty
Delivery Area: Karachi
Country Of Origin: China
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Full Description:
BABAFAREED.PK brings you the best price for Westpoint Deluxe Food Processor (WF-7806) with 2 years official warranty and express shipping all over Pakistan.
Best Food Factory Brand in Pakistan
The best food factory in Pakistan from Westpoint is designed to prepare all types of food to perfection. Westpoint food factory comes with a complete set of attachments and special blades, dual speed operation and a pulse button perfect for chopping vegetables quickly and easily and mixing all types of ingredients. Westpoint food factory also has a blender goblet with stainless steel blades to make excellent smoothies. Our food factory has a set of accessories and is equipped with a blender cup, which, when used with the set of blades supplied, allows you to mince and mix any ingredient like pulses, beans etc.
Get your meals prepared at home every day. You’ll love healthy home-cooked meals, but you have a hectic schedule. You’ll appreciate the Westpoint food processor. We’ve created this small collection, especially for a busy life. This means that you’ll be able to quickly and easily make delicious dishes. It can also shred and slice quickly, preparing with an enormous feeding tube that requires the least amount of cut-offs.
When you have the best food factory brand in Pakistan, a food factory from Westpoint will make you question how you lived your life without it. It is one of the most versatile tools for the kitchen. It is easy to cut, stir, and mix various food items, saving time and energy.
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